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Make 2020 Your Best Year Yet

Where has this year gone?  I can’t believe that 2019 is almost over and the New Year is almost upon us.

 The 4th February will soon be here and this is a very important date in the feng shui world, as this is when the feng shui energies change, the old energies of 2019 leave and the new energies for 2020 arrive.  If you’ve had a bad previous year, this is the time to wipe the slate clean and start again with a blank page, hoping the energies will be kinder to you in 2020.   

Placing the remedies and activations in the correct sectors of your home or business can help reduce the negative impact and activate the positive energies for the year ahead.  The energies are always more powerful as they enter the year and leave, so the sooner you put your remedies in place the better.  This year I will personally ensure all my activations and remedies are in place by the 1st  of February.  There are two important feng shui dates to be aware of; the date you should have your remedies and activations in place by (Feng Shui New Year) and the other date is Chinese New Year.  In 2019 the dates were very close together, the Feng Shui New Year was the 4th February and Chinese New Year was on the 5th of February, In 2020 the dates are 10 days apart…

Feng Shui New YearTuesday 4th of February, 2020 

Chinese New Year – Year of the Metal RatSaturday, 25th of January, 2020

All cures and activations should be in place by the 4th of February but if you miss this date please go ahead and place the remedies and activations as soon as you can.  It’s always the same date every year that the feng shui remedies and activations have to be in place regardless of when the Chinese New Year celebrations happen. 

Year of the Metal Rat remedies and activations to overlay onto your floor plan

Choose just one option for each sector from the chart below.  When placing the remedies and activations please ensure you place them with the intention of remedying the yearly affliction, or activating the positive energy.


A guide to what each of the flying energy stars represents…

1 Star – Abundance via Income, Opportunity, Victory over the Competition

2 Star – Illness and Annoyance

3 Star – Conflict, Gossip, and Legal Issues

4 Star – Romance, Travel, Writing Success.

5 Star – Disaster, Injury, Financial Loss

6 Star – Abundance through Windfalls, Surprises, Helpful People

7 Star – Violence, Fraud, Injury, Theft

8 Star – Abundance via Investments, Wealth, Success, Promotion

9 Star – Fame, Happiness, Sociability, Success

How to find out where each sector falls in your home

Using the floor plan of your home or business, measure the width and length of your property & divide your floor plan into 9 equal squares.  Place the above Lo Shu Square over your floor plan (see example below).  If your entrance door faces east you should mark the square your door falls into as the East sector and then mark all the other sectors accordingly. Use a compass to determine the direction of your front door, you can do this by standing at the threshold of your entrance door (looking out) and take the compass reading e.g. 78˚ east.



3 KILLINGS (142.5° – 217.5°) Do not sit with your back to the ‘3 Killings’.  If you do, it may cause people to snipe about you behind your back or stab you in the back.  You can place a laughing buddha to face towards the south to protect you from the 3 Killings.  No digging or renovations in this sector.

GRAND DUKE (352.5° – 7.5°) The ‘Grand Duke’ can bring support and help if you sit with him at your back. Be sure not to sit facing him or you will face the wrath of people in a position over you. It’s also essential that you don’t dig or do renovations in this sector.

Water in 2020

Normally the most beneficial sectors to have water or a water fountain is in the North, East or South East.  The rules change during 2020, the best placement for water is in the Centre and South West sectors.

Planning Major Renovations

Are you like me and planning to do major renovations to your home in 2020?  Don’t panic, there is a way to do this so you won’t aggravate the energies too much.  The best way to go about this is to begin your renovations in an auspicious sector and then end in an auspicious sector; this will help you to reduce aggravating the energies in the sectors with the major afflictions (north, east and south sectors).

You may feel unsettled after reading about the new energies in your home, but please don’t be, remember that everyone has their turn of good luck and bad luck.  Always be aware that feng shui (earth luck) is only 33.3% of your luck.

Most feng shui afflictions can be remedied, giving you control of two-thirds of your luck which is wonderful; your human luck (your decisions – 33.3%) and your earth luck (feng shui – 33.3%).  The final 33.3% is your Heavenly Luck (you are born into this luck and we cannot control this, e.g. your astrological chart).

Next month’s article will be about the Chinese New Year traditions and the most auspicious color handbag, purse, and wallet to use.  I will also let you know the best colors to wear for growth in 2020.

Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas!

